Based upon my Two day seminar in Hypnotic $elling and Persuasion. This Twelve HOUR PROGRAM on 8 Cd's contains all the material from my live class and MORE.
Make Money through the Influence Principle$
Make Money by doing what you do well, BETTER. and by doing what OTHER$ DO WELL YOURSELF!
Make what you say practically IRRE$I$TIBLE to your customers!
Build Rapport that makes your CU$TOMER into your BE$T FRIEND... and make more CASH!
Set effective $elling goals on an UNCONSCIOU$ level.
Learn $imple $elf hypno$i$ techniques to help YOU remove your own INTERNAL obstacles.
Communicate in $ubliminal and Unconscious ways to persuade Customers to find reasons to BUY NOW and be HAPPY with their purchase.
$peak the customer's language and win their $ale!
Built credibility and learn ways to PRACTICE hypnotic selling technique$ that work to make you more MONEY!
Learn ways to make their objections VANISH into a $ale!
Learn principles of NLP that let you know WHAT they are thinking, HOW they are thinking, and if they are telling the TRUTH!
Learn about Yes $ets in an UNCONSCIOUS WAY!
Experience EXERCISES meant to change YOUR attitude, and to LEARN these $kills in $afe and useful ways!
Enjoy hidden hypnotic messages and $uggestions throughout this ENTIRE $eminar to help you learn consciously and Unconsciously and MAKE MORE MONEY!
Learn the WAYS people think so you can talk in THEIR LANGUAGE!
Create AMNE$IA to allow customers to forget negative experiences in the past and focus on their pleasant buying experience in the future.
Insure they REALLY REMEMBER what you want them to remember and make your client happy!
Eliminate resistance and prevent returns BEFORE they happen.
Conversational Hypno$i$! The secrets of influence as you speak!
Turning a loss or liability into an a$$et through REFRAMING!
Using your voice as a POWERFUL selling weapon to communicate $ubliminally.
Using hypnotic $tories to make a $ale
Presuppose a $ALE and presuppose $ucce$$!
Develop hypnotic $ales $cripts for phone sales and pitches- also useful for written sales material.
Use Hypnotic QUESTION$ to communicate and make a Sale!
Learn about UNIVERSAL programs that people follow that you can USE and create MORE MONEY in your pocket!
Learn the procedures that you can use or adapt to your situation in appropriate ways to get your client to like you, and to make that sale.
And MUCH MUCH MORE including Free Bonuses not taught at Live seminars!
Two New tapes added for 2002 feature Exercises to help you LEARN this dynamic material in your every day life FEARLESSLY!